Eén gedachte over “Het had nooit zover mogen komen…

  1. De “Iron Lady” had niets meer te zeggen.
    De Britse toetreding tot de EUSSR was o.a. het gevolg van omkoperij en “chantage” .
    De toenmalige eerste minister Edward Heath speelde hier een sleutelrol in :
    met een citaat :
    ” One of those who stood most to lose was Sir Edward Heath prime minister from 1970-74, who was known to visit the Jersey care home the Haute Garrene among others to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called ‘Morning Cloud’, or as bodyguards referred to it, ‘Morning Sickness’.
    Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London’s lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys. Nonetheless, he quickly fell prone blackmailers who insisted he dress up in a ridiculous Gestapo uniform in which he was photographed.
    Under threat of exposure Heath was forced to enter Britain into the Common Market, now the European Union, under very unfavourable conditions. It is still a bone of contention among scholars how he became PM in front of the immensely popular and scholarly Enoch Powell who to all intents and purposes should have been Prime Minister.”(=einde citaat)
    Het kabinet van Thatcher zal ook vol met pedofielen :


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KjaWravOhU (met video) en citaat :
    “Pedophiles Discovered in Margaret Thatcher’s Political Circles
    Gepubliceerd op 11 mrt. 2015
    Margaret Thatcher reportedly knew about high level politicians sexually abusing children. The former British prime minister has been accused of turning a blind eye towards a VIP pedophile ring in Westminster, at the heart of the British government and allegedly knew about abuse accusations against Cyril Smith, the MP for Rochdale and others. We take a look at the child abuse scandal, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.”(=einde citaat).
    Als men het voorgaande bekijkt, dan kan het met de Brexit nog alle kanten uit.
    Achter de schermen zal er immers nog wat “geklapt” worden!!

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