Eén gedachte over “Groen certificaat verdeelt…

  1. Eerst en vooral : men kan niet spreken over een vaccinatiebewijs of een coronapaspoort, als men de ganse Covid 19(84) samenzwering niet op tafel gooit. Deze samenzwering is de oorzaak van alle problemen. Tevens dient duidelijk gesteld te worden dat dit coronapaspoort maar de voorbode is van een chip met de biometrische identiteit, het medisch dossier, en dat gekoppeld aan een volledig elektronisch digitaal betaalsysteem. Over deze chip had de duivel van Davos het al jaren geleden :
    met citaat :“Globalist Klaus Schwab called for implantable “global health pass” microchip back in 2016 Wednesday, May 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
    (Natural News) More than five years ago, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab gave an interview in which he promised that an implantable “global health pass” microchip would be unveiled within the next 10 years to track and control all of humanity .Even though the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) had not yet been unveiled by the medical deep state, Schwab already knew that a catalyst was soon to come that would forever change the landscape of our world. As part of his globalist “great reset” agenda, Schwab explained that eventually it will be a requirement for humans to be microchipped in order to buy and sell, just like Revelation 13:16 prophesies. “We are talking about chips that can be implanted. When will that be?” the interviewer asked Schwab in French. “Certainly in the next 10 years,” Schwab responded. “And at first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin.” (=einde citaat).
    Intussen is de DARPA in de USA al volop bezig :
    met citaat : “A sensor injected under the skin, backed by DARPA, is meant to spot COVID-19 days before symptoms appear” (=einde citaat).
    Van belang is ook de koppeling aan een digitaal geldsysteem, waar de CCP in China volop mee bezig is :
    met citaten :“Last August we reported that China’s Commerce Ministry had released fresh details of a pilot program for the country’s central bank digital currency (CBDC)………
    In addition to realigining the global balance of monetary power virtually overnight, China’s the digital currency kills another bird with the same binary stone: it allows unprecedented surveillance and supervision over every single transaction………………….. [The digital yuan is] also trackable, adding another tool to China’s heavy state surveillance. The government deploys hundreds of millions of facial-recognition cameras to monitor its population, sometimes using them to levy fines for activities such as jaywalking. A digital currency would make it possible to both mete out and collect fines as soon as an infraction was detected……………..While China hasn’t published final legislation for the program, the central bank says it may initially impose limits on how much digital yuan individuals can keep on their person, as a way to control how it circulates and provide users a dose of security and privacy…… The money itself is programmable. Beijing has tested expiration dates to encourage users to spend it quickly, for times when the economy needs a jump start…………And there you have it: the Keynesian wet dream to boost the velocity of mean finally comes true. For the past decade we have joked that it is only a matter of time before central banks slap on an expiration date on every monetary unit in circulation… (=einde citaten).
    Dit laat dan ook een totale controle toe, niet alleen van de bevolking maar ook van de hoeveelheid digitaal geld dat men mag bezitten. Koppel dit dan ook aan het “social credit score system”, en we zitten volop in 1984 van George Orwell. Een demonstratie van het voormelde systeem is er in de volgende video :
    En in de EUSSR zijn we daar dan ook volop naar toe aan rijden, naar deze nachtmerrie van een nooit geziene omvang. En iedereen slaapt… en droomt van de zalige leugens !!!

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