Eén gedachte over “De strategie van de geschiedenisvervalsing

  1. Een lijst van false flags :
    Over Pearl Harbor :
    met titel :
    “Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11
    False flags do not stand alone. They are better understood – and more credibly explained to skeptics – when seen in history’s context.”.
    Deze tekst is brandend actueel gezien de “spanningen” in de Zuid Chinese Zee tussen China en de VSA.
    Een citaat :
    “In September 2000 – one year before 9-11 – the Project for a New American Century (Richard Perle, Paul Wolofowitz, etc.) – issued a paper, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” calling for an increased U.S. military presence in the Middle East. But, it warned, the “transformation …is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” In May 2001, as the 9-11 countdown began, Disney released its war-rallying Pearl Harbor starring Ben Affleck. “(=einde citaat).
    – See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2013/12/pearl-harbor-how-the-illuminati-start-wars.html#sthash.scx4v5ZU.dpuf
    Zoals in de titel al duidelijk gemaakt is, staat een “false flag” niet zomaar los van al de rest.
    Om insinuaties te voorkomen, James Perloff is van Joodse afkomst.
    Nog een bron :
    met citaat :
    “The Second World War accomplished several Illuminati objectives: world government via the UN with its World Bank/IMF subsidiaries; creation of Zionist Israel; and strengthening and spreading Communism over half the globe.
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were old hands at false flags. During World War I, when the Lusitania’s contrived sinking inflamed American public opinion to join that war, Roosevelt had been assistant secretary of the Navy, and Churchill head of the British Admiralty.
    As President, Roosevelt tried replicating the scenario by provoking Germany – e.g., having U.S. destroyers depth-charge U-boats. The Germans, however, refused the bait, remembering how U.S. entry into World War I had cost them that war.
    Roosevelt therefore concentrated on Japan. Interior Secretary Harold Ickes said, “Our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan.” (=einde citaat).
    Over de “ervaringen” van een Nederlandse duikboot bij Pearl Harbor :
    met citaat :
    “President Franklin D. Roosevelt knew months before the attack on Pearl Harbor of a massive presence by Japan in the Pacific Ocean. 12 days before he knew the exact date of the attack on Pearl Harber. The Dutch submarine K-XVII discovered that the Japanese fleet was on its way to Pearl Harbor, this was kept secret. The Dutch crew was sacrificed and the K-XVII (photo) perish on 7 December 1941 in to the Pacific as a result of sabotage by the British secret service (Rothschild’s) where Winston Churchill was aware of This happened with the permission of Queen Wilhelmina.
    Here a portion of a telegram from President Roosevelt’s Chief of Staff General Marshall to all U.S. Army units in the Pacific dated 27 November 1941. So the day before the K-XVII discovered the Japanese fleet in Hawaii and 10 days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. A day after the attack on Pearl Harbor even before America and England the Dutch government in exile declare war on Japan.”(=einde citaat).
    Hoeveel Nederlanders kennen het verhaal van deze duikboot??
    Na de oorlog hebben er NSB’er veel meer problemen gehad voor oneindig veel minder!!!!
    Het is ook één der geheimen die een rol spelen bij o.a. de moord op Pim Fortuyn en het neerhalen van de MH17.(met de cover – up).
    Het is dan ook onbegrijpelijk dat in rechtse en nationalistische middens dit verleden niet meer wordt gebruikt tegen de vijanden van heden.
    Ik verwijs naar George Orwell :
    “‘He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.'”(=einde citaat).

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