… maar dan moeten de lidstaten daar dan ook meer voor afdokken
Vrije vertaling van onderstaande tekst in telegramstijl:
De EU-schatbewaarder staat gereed om alle nodige maatregelen te nemen om de corona-noodtoestand op te lossen. Betreurt echter dat de “vrijgemaakte gelden” uit bestaande fondsen komen, m.a.w. dat deze slechts een herbestemming krijgen, en dringt erop aan dat er vers en bijkomend geld moet binnenstromen. Dit alles overgoten met de beruchte solidariteitssaus.
M.a.w. Vlaanderen heeft twee keer prijs: bijkomend betalen aan de EU voor méér coronasteun aan Wallonnië – én – een minderheids-,uitbollende, Vlaanderenhatende regering mét volmachten zonder dat het parlement er iets aan te zeggen heeft. Il faut le faire… La Belgique sera latine ou ne sera pas…
Budget MEPs ready to adopt all necessary measures to tackle the Corona emergency
BUDG Chair and coordinators welcome Commission
announcements, but deplore mere “re-use” of existing funds and insist on
fresh and additional financial means to tackle the coronavirus crisis.
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is an exceptional and global challenge
for all of us, and puts our health systems and businesses under
pressure. In this difficult moment, we believe Europe needs to act
together and show solidarity”, Members of the Committee on Budgets said
on Friday.
“We welcome the European Commission’s announcement of Friday 13 March on the mobilization of available resources within the cohesion policy destined to leverage even more funding for our health systems, SMEs and labour markets impacted. However, these measures are insufficient as they just propose to re-use funds already available to the Member States for a different purpose. We believe that in this situation Member States need to be ready to provide also fresh financial means to tackle this crisis and help mitigate the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, in addition to the measures announced on 13 March, the Committee on Budgets urges the Commission to propose to mobilize also fresh appropriations, which are available in the 2020 budget through margins and flexibility instruments.”
“The impacts on our economy are now tangible. The Committee on Budgets stands ready to quickly process all the necessary budgetary initiatives destined to alleviate the negative impacts on our health systems, our economy and on the EU citizens”, Budget MEPs added. (…)