… om grappen te maken over de islam?
Maandelijks archief: november 2019
Zijn we d’r al?
Spaanse grens. Soeveniertje meegebracht.
Moderne trekvogels
Saudische prins boekt 80 vliegtuigzitjes voor zijn valken. Ook zij hebben een paspoort nodig. Ze delen het vliegtuig met menselijke passagiers.
Zwanger van politieke correctheid
“Je kan stilaan je mond niet meer openen zonder de beschuldiging te riskeren dat je ergens een individu of een gemeenschap krenkt.”
Ladies and gentlemen zouden beter blijven
Noem een zwangere vrouw geen ‘aanstaande moeder’ meer. Aldus, sinds een paar jaar, een van de richtlijnen van de British Medical Association (BMA) aan haar personeel. Die syndicale organisatie van artsen kan uiteraard niet ontkennen dat zwangere vrouwen bevallen en dus moeders worden. Maar Engeland loopt nu eenmaal voorop in de politieke correctheid, en sensitivity vereist dat je geen verband meer legt tussen zwangerschap en vrouwen. Want dat kan kwetsend zijn voor transmannen die wel zwanger, maar geen moeder willen zijn. Voor wie even niet kan volgen: het gaat om transgenders die zich fysiek van vrouw tot man laten omvormen.
Mia Doornaert in kwaliteitskrant DS
Tweede klokkenluider beticht OPCW van bewijsvervalsing
U zal zich de zgn. gifgasaanval op Douma herinneren die het alibi moest leveren voor bombardementen der VSA & co.-coalitie op Syrisch grondgebied. Mocht uw geheugen u in de steek laten, lees dan eerst onderstaande bijdrage:
Wat wij en elke logisch denkend mens vermoedde, resp. wist, wordt nu door een tweede bron binnen het OPCW bevestigd. Het was zoals de vorige zgn “gifgasaanvallen” een geënsceneerd staaltje volksverlakkerij, met de welwillende steun van de WH, om bomaanvallen op de Syrische overheid, resp. bondgenoten, uit te lokken en te rechtvaardigen.
Onze redactie gaat niet over één nacht ijs. Wij controleren en dubbel-controleren bronnen:
The Hugely Important OPCW Scandal Keeps Unfolding. Here’s Why No One’s Talking About It
The OPCW and Douma: Chemical Weapons Watchdog Accused of Evidence-Tampering by Its Own Inspectors
“Read the OPCW Panel Statement
Quotes from José Bustani, First Director General OPCW and former Ambassador to the United Kingdom and France
“The convincing evidence of irregular behaviour in the OPCW investigation of the alleged Douma chemical attack confirms doubts and suspicions I already had. I could make no sense of what I was reading in the international press. Even official reports of investigations seemed incoherent at best. The picture is certainly clearer now, although very disturbing”
“I have always expected the OPCW to be a true paradigm of multilateralism. My hope is that the concerns expressed publicly by the Panel, in its joint consensus statement, will catalyse a process by which the Organisation can be resurrected to become the independent and non-discriminatory body it used to be.”
Analytical Points
- General
A critical analysis of the final report of the Douma investigation left the panel in little doubt that conclusions drawn from each of the key evidentiary pillars of the investigation (chemical analysis, toxicology, ballistics and witness testimonies) are flawed and bear little relation to the facts.
- Chemical Analysis
Although biomedical analyses supposedly contributed to the conclusions of the report (para 2.17), the same report is unequivocal in stating that “no relevant chemicals were found” in biological samples (Table A5.2).
The interpretation of the environmental analysis results is equally questionable. Many, if not all, of the so- called ‘smoking gun” chlorinated organic chemicals claimed to be “not naturally present in the environment” (para 2.6) are in fact ubiquitous in the background, either naturally or anthropogenically (wood preservatives, chlorinated water supplies etc). The report, in fact, acknowledges this in Annex 4 para 7, even stating the importance of gathering control samples to measure the background for such chlorinated organic derivatives. Yet, no analysis results for these same control samples (Annex 5), which inspectors on the ground would have gone to great lengths to gather, were reported.
Although the report stresses the ‘levels’ of the chlorinated organic chemicals as a basis for its conclusions (para 2.6), it never mentions what those levels were —high, low, trace, sub-trace? Without providing data on the levels of these so-called ‘smoking-gun’ chemicals either for background or test samples, it is impossible to know if they were not simply due to background presence. In this regard, the panel is disturbed to learn that quantitative results for the levels of ‘smoking gun’ chemicals in specific samples were available to the investigators but this decisive information was withheld from the report.
The final report also acknowledges that the tell-tale chemicals supposedly indicating chlorine use, can also be generated by contact of samples with sodium hypochlorite, the principal ingredient of household bleaching agent (para 8.15). This game-changing hypothesis is, however, dismissed (and as it transpires, incorrectly) by stating no bleaching was observed at the site of investigation. (“At both locations, there were no visible signs of a bleach agent or discoloration due to contact with a bleach agent”). The panel has been informed that no such observation was recorded during the on-site inspection and in any case dismissing the hypothesis simply by claiming the non-observation of discoloration in an already dusty and scorched environment seems tenuous and unscientific.
- Toxicology
The toxicological studies also reveal inconsistencies, incoherence and possible scientific irregularities. Consultations with toxicologists are reported to have taken place in September and October 2018 (para 8.87 and Annex 3), but no mention is made of what those same experts opined or concluded. Whilst the final toxicological assessment of the authors states “it is not possible to precisely link the cause of the signs and symptoms to a specific chemical” (para 9.6) the report nonetheless concludes there were reasonable grounds to believe chlorine gas was the chemical (used as a weapon).
More worrying is the fact that the panel viewed documented evidence that showed other toxicologists had been consulted in June 2018 prior to the release of the interim report. Expert opinions on that occasion were that the signs and symptoms observed in videos and from witness accounts were not consistent with exposure to molecular chlorine or any reactive-chlorine-containing chemical. Why no mention of this critical assessment, which contradicts that implied in the final report, was made is unclear and of concern.
- Ballistic studies
The unauthorised disclosure of the Engineering Assessment in May 2019 of the two munitions found at Locations 2 and 4, and subsequently acknowledged by the Director General as bona-fide, revealed the diametrically opposing views of inspectors within the FFM team. Although the panel does not have the technical competence to judge the merits of the contradicting studies (i.e. the study described in the final report versus the leaked engineering report), it was surprised by how little consideration was given to alternative hypotheses in the final report.
One alternative ascribing the origin of the crater to an explosive device was considered briefly but, despite an almost identical crater (understood to have resulted from a mortar penetrating the roof) being observed on an adjacent rooftop, was dismissed because of “the absence of primary and secondary fragmentation characteristics”. In contrast, explosive fragmentation characteristics were noted in the leaked study.
- Testimonies
The reporting of witness statements and the lack of any meaningful analysis highlights the partiality of this report. Whilst two clearly distinct and opposing narratives are described by witnesses, only the one supportive of the use of toxic weapons contributes to the conclusions. The imbalance between numbers of persons interviewed by the respective FFM teams in Damascus and in Country X is noteworthy, with twice as many of the latter being interviewed.
- Exclusion of inspectors and attempts to obfuscate
Contrary to what has been publicly stated by the Director General of the OPCW it was evident to the panel that many of the inspectors in the Douma investigation were not involved or consulted in the post-deployment phase or had any contribution to, or knowledge of the content of the final report until it was made public. The panel is particularly troubled by organisational efforts to obfuscate and prevent inspectors from raising legitimate concerns about possible malpractices surrounding the Douma investigation.”
Onze redactie kloeg herhaaldelijk het grote onrecht, de leugens, de manipulatie aan. Lees ook: Gifgasaanval Douma was opgezet spel, media zwijgen
Gedachten in gedichten
Met dank aan Wim Verreycken.
Snode plannen voor cordon op sociale media?
ivan de vadderGeverifieerd account @vadderiVRT22 uur22 uur geleden
#dtv zijn er trouwens regels voor verkiezingsuitgaven via sociale media, zoals die wel bestaan voor affiches (geen 20m2) en televisie (niet toegestaan)?
Trop is te veel en te veel is trop
‘Wie knoeit met gastvrijheid, kweekt vijandschap’
De befaamde Franse antropoloog Michel Agier, die jarenlang onderzoek deed in vluchtelingenkampen, is verontwaardigd maar niet verrast na de brandstichting in Bilzen. ‘Bestuurders die slordig te werk gaan of zelf racisme aanwakkeren, nemen het risico dat gastvrijheid omslaat in vijandschap.’ (…)
Bekijk video (onmogelijk in te sluiten)
Goed nieuws voor de elektriciteitsvoorziening in Syrië
Na de grootste, de Tabqa-dam, is nu ook de tweede belangrijkste hydro-elektrische dam terug in handen van de Syrische regering. De Tishrin dam ligt 90 km van Aleppo; hij werd zo’n 20 jaar geleden door Russische en Syrische ingenieurs ontworpen en gebouwd. I.S. veroverde beide dammen en dreigde ermee deze te zullen opblazen. Vervolgens konden de Koerden I.S. verdrijven en nu patrouilleren Russische, regerings- en Koerdische troepen bij beide dammen. Ze voorzien elektriciteit in de provincies Raqqa en Aleppo. Vooral voor het economisch-industrieel belangrijke Aleppo is de elektriciteitsvoorziening cruciaal.